Ashe County Cheese
North Carolina's oldest and largest cheese producer. Makes 20+ varieties of handcrafted cheeses and butter.

Ashe County Cheese Store has remodeled and expanded several times through the years, with the most recent remodel and addition being completed in the spring of 2007. The store now offers not only all the products made here, but also a wide variety of other food and gift items.
The plant has also undergone several upgrades since 1994, and though it still makes old style cheddar daisy wheels, it now produces a wide variety of cheeses and butter. It has developed a strong following for its original Sienna cheese, its many flavored cheeses, and its newest variety Juusto cheese (a mild Scandinavian cheese).
With a rich history covering more than 75 years, Ashe County Cheese is well positioned to face the many challenges of the future.