Bakersville Farmer’s Market
In keeping with the traditions of that era that fostered a close-knit, caring, and cooperative mountain culture, the Main Street Farmer's Market offers variety of local produce & products.

Remember the days when the small community market stores in Mitchell County were thriving and a farmer could drive into town, drop his tailgate and sell his produce?
In keeping with the traditions of that era that fostered a close-knit, caring, and cooperative mountain culture, the Main Street Farmer’s Market offers variety of local produce & products. Its location, which once housed a tomato-packing facility and later a recycling center, is rooted in service to the community.
The Main Street Market offers a diverse, multi-generational blend of old timers and newcomers, and features a variety of fresh, locally grown fruits and vegetables produced through both conventional and organic practices, and often including heirloom varieties.
Visitors can purchase goat cheeses, a variety of vegetable produce, berries, pears, cherries, apples, & cider (in season), jams, jellies, and pickles, fresh baked goods, free-range eggs, honey, local crafts, fresh and dried herbs, body scrubs & soaps, plant starts, flowers, crafts, and more.