Saylor Orchard
This stunning apple orchard has several varieties of apples, fresh apple cakes, apple jelly and apple butter. Open from 8 AM until 5PM 6 days a week.

We have several varieties of apples, fresh apple cakes, apple jelly and apple butter. We are open from 8 AM until 5PM 6 days a week.
Saylor Orchard was founded on March 25, 1963 by me, Jim Saylor. I married Betty Jean Hilemon on Dec. 21 that same year. We have been co-owners since that time. I started out with 300 Red Delicious trees which I ordered from Stark Bro’s. in the fall of 1962 to be shipped the following spring. In the summer of 1963 I ordered 100 Golden Delicious trees for a fall setting. I set those trees on the day President John Kennedy was shot, Nov. 22, 1963. I had just finished setting the trees and went down to the lake, we have a 5 acre lake about the center of the orchard, to wash the dirt off of my hands. I had the truck radio on and the news came over it.